Note about Custom Code
How to edit project images
There are two type of images integration:
The "Collection List Wrapper" if you use CMS. Then you can delete the "hover-trigger" div blocks and it works.
The "hover-trigger" if you don't use CMS. Then you can delete the "Collection List Wrapper".
Then you click "tooltip" and go to the section "Backgrounds" in the Style Panel (S). You can change the images under "Image & gradient". For each project you have a combo class "project-2", "project-3", etc.
There are two type of images integration (2 lists):

The first list if you use CMS. Then you can the second list and it works.
The Collection List is filtered by "Beauty". You can copy & pasty the list and filter by other categories.
If you don't use CMS, you can use the second list (the first one can be deleted).
Each project is under list item "width-100". Click "many-thumbs-wrapper" and then display grid in Style panel (S) under the "Layout" section. Now you can see and edit the images (bg-img in Style panel under "Backgrouns").
If you have edited the images, set the many-thumbs-wrapper again to display none.
All the images can be edited under "grid-home-8x6". Just click some image "bg-img" and go to the section "Backgrounds" in the Style Panel (S). You can change the images under "Image & gradient".